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Think Globally. Listen Properly. Act Comprehensively

Dr. Olga R. Gulina – director of the Institute on Migration Policy

Ольга Гулина – директор Института миграционной политики

Dr. iur. Olga R. Gulina

DR OLGA GULINA is a legal and migration expert. She holds a PhD in Law (2002) and PhD in Migration Studies (2010). Her field of expertise included migration management, immigration law and its enforcement in the countries built in the ruins of USSR, in the countries of Eastern und West Europe.

Asylgul Kanatbekova RUSMPI Research and Programme Intern


Asylgul Kanatbekova

Asylgul Kanatbekova is the 2nd year student of the Master program “Population and Development” (National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia). She holds a Bachelor degree in Management of State Property (2017, Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kyrgyz Republic, Kyrgyzstan).

Asylgul has been studying migration over the last three years. She has started her research experience from diploma work on the migration policy of Central Asia countries. She completed her previous internship at Kyrgyzstan’s State Migration Service. Nowadays she specializes in labor migration studies and does research using mixed method research and statistical software STATA.

Appreciation Letters / Благодарности